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More Field of View Options for 3DLP9000 DLP® Light Engines

The 3DLP9000, part of DLi’s 3DLightPro series of DLP®-based light engines, is expanding its field of view (FOV) offerings. In addition to the 100µm FOV projection lens currently offered with the 3DLP9000 light engine, users will now have the added choice of a 30µm FOV lens. The 30µm projection lens fits right into the existing 3DLP9000 housing, making it convenient and cost-effective for users with a 100µm projection lens to upgrade their system as well as interchange lens assemblies. IMG 4019 Edited Optical lenses are typically specified in terms of their focal lengths or angular field of view. When looking at our 3DLP9000 light engine, we define FOV another way. The 30µm and 100µm refer to the pixel width projected onto the image plane – for a lens inside a DLP 3D printer, this would be the resin vat. In 3D printing, smaller pixels result in finer details, smoother surface finishes, and perhaps, more importantly, faster prints due to increased power density. With 3x the accuracy of the 100µm, the 30µm FOV projection lens opens up new opportunities in areas requiring high precision and finer resolution, such as microscopy, microfluidics, microlithography, and micromachine vision applications. DLi’s 3DLP9000 is a DLP-based light engine designed with the professional-grade DLP 3D printer in mind; offering high uniformity (greater than 90%), and low distortion (less than 0.1%) in order to maximize the power delivered to the image plane. Based on Texas Instruments’ DLP9000 advanced light control chipset, the 3DLP9000 offers a resolution of over 4 million pixels, enabling larger build areas for the DLP 3D printer market. In addition to 3D printing applications, the 3DLP9000 can be utilized for a range of industrial light control applications including digital lithography, 3D machine vision, and microscopy.   Click here to learn more about DLi’s 3DLP9000 Light Engines or contact us directly at for more information.

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